Back in 2023, I had gotten sick a month before, which rarely happens to me, but since my little has been going to school, being sick has been a monthly occurrence recently. The month prior I had the chills, stuffy nose, and just feeling overall cruddy. I tested for COVID and it luckily was not. We dodged a bullet! Then BAM! One month later, same symptoms, tested again, and there it was, a positive COVID test.
I am a believer in as natural as possible treatments, but when necessary medications.
Right away I went to my stash of Ivermectin. Took my allotted dose, increased my vitamin c, added in black cumin seed, increased my vitamin d, continued Argentyn 23 (but added more doses), added a cold & flu remedy, and took my xylitol nasal spray with afrin at night so I could breath. It took a bit to feel better, but when taking these I bounced back pretty quickly.
I was pretty shocked that despite all my previous health issues that I wasn't down for the count longer than a few days to a week. Because I am one of those people who suffered from chronic with Lyme and co-infections so it wasn't a shock to find that when getting covid, all my infections started to wreak havoc on my body. I fixed that pretty quickly by starting Researched Nutritionals transfer factor multi-immune, transfer factor l-plus (unfortunately being discontinued), and transfer factor plasymc (unfortunately being discontinued as well). There are of course many other products that could get your Lyme and Co-infections symptoms to go away, but these are what worked extremely well for me.
Overall, it's important to know how to treat Covid and the other dormant ailments that may pop up at any time. As Covid continues to rear it's ugly head, I continue taking my daily supplements as well as Argentyn 23 when I feel a little tickle in my throat in order to keep everything at bay.
Don't hesitate to call for an appointment at Enlightened Medicine if you feel you have symptoms that don't go away or if you are interested in a treatment plan for you!
Stay healthy out there!